Visit the library to register and get your 1,000 books before Kindergarten book to track your progress!
Prizes are given at different milestones throughout the program to help you and your child reach your goals!
Prizes include:
Stickers, buttons, coloring pages, books, and a yard sign to share your accomplishment with your neighbors, friends and family members when you complete reading 1000 Books before Kindergarten!
Details about the program:
Who can sign up for the program?
Any child from birth to kindergarten.
What books count?
– You can read and reread the same book (if there happens to be a few favorites that your child can’t get enough of).
-If you attend story times, the books read during story time can, or your child follows along with the Virtual Story times on our Facebook page, those books can be also logged.
If you prefer to record your. books electronically, please download the Reader Zone app and use program code: 3858d
We are grateful for the mini grant provided by the Linn County Early Literacy Collaborative Supported by the Kansas Masonic Literacy Center in the Teachers College at Emporia State University. Fox artwork for the 1000 books before kindergarten provided by Kutztown Public Library, Kutztown, Pennsylvania