New Year’s Reading Goals?
Whether you are already in the habit of reading, or are committing to daily/weekly reading in 2022, this fun challenge is for you! Who doesn't love a cute button or fun book mark? The bookmark is designed to also be the way you can track of 310 minutes of reading. If...
December 20th is Movie Night!
Holiday Movie Night 21
Coming in January!
Read 310 Minutes between January 3 and February 6th!
Job Opening
Mound City Library District #4 is currently seeking self-motivated and enthusiastic person for our circulation desk!
Summer Reading!
To reserve your spot(s), you can visit or call the Mound City Library to register for each individual event/class.
New Books Have Arrived!
This past month we have had a lot of great new books arrive at the Mound City Library. Come check one out today!
Street Market!
The Mound City Library’s Farmer’s Market has consolidated with Junk in the Trunk and is now the Mound City Library’s Street Market.
March is Coming!
March, the time for frollicking leprechauns, pinching, and National Panda Day (Mar 17). There are a few other things to look forward to in March…
Unemployment Fraud
Recently one of our own library workers, and one of our patrons, have received a letter in the mail from the Kansas Department of Labor…
Mound City Library - District #4
Mary Sommerville Library
630 Main Street
Mound City, Kansas 66056
► Library Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am -5:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm